Tuesday, May 18, 2010

House Rules by Jodi Picoult

Jodi Picoult usually has a dilemma in her books. Her new book "House Rules" follows that trend. It is well worth reading as it has learning value, also. It is about an 18 year old boy who has Asperger's Syndrome. If you have no idea what Asperger's Syndrome is, you will by the end of this book. Jodi did plenty of research on this subject and it clears up any questions you might have about the syndrome.

The boy with Asperer's is Jacob Hunt and he has an obsession with forensic analysis. He knows plenty about it and likes to show up at actual crime scenes. He becomes well-known to the police when his tutor is murdered and they suspect Jacob. His Asperger actions gives him the appearance of guilt and he becomes the main suspect in the murder. The legal authorities fail to understand Asperger's Syndrome and the story goes from there. The devotion of his mother is admirable and her character is a big part of the book. Reading it made me wonder if I would have the stamina she did while raising such a high maintaince child.

It was a good read. If you like Jodi's writing style, you will enjoy this one.

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