Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Catch up

Hello its been a while since my last post. Things have been busy around here. I thought I would update you all on what I have been reading lately.
First up The Scarpetta factor by Patricia Cornwell I have been a big fan of Patricia Cornwell's Scarpetta series. I have read and for the most part enjoyed them all, until now. I am not sure what happened here from the very start I felt like I had missed something. The story did not make any sense and it felt very over written. I don't need 2 full pages on how a character likes to keep his car clean. At this point in the series we know these people very well and we don't need these little useless facts. I had a hard time finishing this and I hope she can get back to form for the next or this may be the end for Kay Scarpetta.

Red by Jack Ketchum
Red is the story of a man and his dog. And what happens when 3 boys kill this mans dog in cold blood. I really enjoyed this book. Its one of those books that make you think "what would you do?" Jack Ketchum writes believable characters and puts them in tough circumstances. This is a really great horror story.